COVID19 Information
Elite Family Day Care is committed to keeping you safe during these uncertain times. Find useful information below regarding COVID19.
Changes To Our Services - COVID19
Elite Family Day Care service take our educators, families, children and staff's health and wellbeing very seriously. As per government recommendations, all our services have COVID-19 risk assessments in place. These risks are updated and revised as the situation evolves or government recommendations change.
Additionally, our service staff complete a service risk assessment for staff conducting onsite support and compliance visits, with this document reviewed and altered as needed.
Whether there is a pandemic or not, educators, staff and children are required to provide medical certificates to ensure they are fit for care or work. This allows us to protect each child, educator and staff member whilst reducing the risk of spread for various communicable diseases. Educators are required to have hand hygiene practices in place all year round. You will also now notice the addition of sanitizing stations upon entry. This is an extra precaution we are taking to protect everyone in and around our services.
Mental Health Support
On top of ensuring we do all we can for the physical health of our stakeholders, we understand the toll this can and may have taken on your mental health. As such, we urge anyone who feels they may need assistance to contact the following free mental health services:
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service - 1800 512 348
Kids Help Line - 1800 55 1800
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Extraordinary Care Arrangements
Our family day care services across Perth and Western Australia are uniquely positioned to operate from the homes of our educators. It is for this very reason we may be able to offer extended care arrangements for families needing support during these times. It is also for this reason we ask all parents, families and visitors to follow requests of individual educators relating to the health and safety of their home. As this is an evolving situation, we are continually working to get new information to you.
If you require extra care or an alternate care arrangement please contact your service, you can otherwise contact head office on 1300 796 399 between 9am and 3 pm Monday through Friday.
Staying Up To Date
You can find some useful links below relating to sector responses, however we ask that you remain in contact with your family day care educator for specific and updated information.
Early Childhood Australia COVID response - Click Here
Department of Education, Skills and Employment - Click Here
Western Australian Government - Click Here
Australian Government – Click Here
Other useful direct links
Supporting Our Educators

Still have questions about health and safety?
You can contact your educator directly or speak with our customer service team on the number below.