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WA Government awards grant funding to boost ECEC through Preschool Reform Agreement...and the winner is....Elite Family Day Care!
Grant funding of more than $1 million has been awarded to Western Australia's Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector through the Preschool Reform Agreement (PRA). The PRA is a collaborative effort between the Australian Government and States and Territories aimed at strengthening preschool education and better supporting children as they prepare for their first year of school.
A total of 16 organisations have received funding through the Supporting Children in ECEC WA grants program, administered and part funded by Child Australia for projects and initiatives that facilitate children's early learning and development and support their transition to school.
The grants program provides PRA funding of between $20,000 to $100,000 for registered Providers with a Service Approval that offer preschool programs in line with the objectives of the Preschool Reform Agreement.
Preschool in Western Australia, most commonly known as kindergarten, provides an invaluable foundation to children in the year prior to full-time school.
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