Paula’s Little Possums
A family day care service in Ridgewood with diverse and educationally rich learning opportunities in areas of sustainability, Auslan and fruit harvesting.

My name is Paula and I am an Early Childhood Educator. I have 30 years experience working in Education both in the UK and Australia.
I have been operating Paula’s Little Possums FDC for over 6 years now and I absolutely love my vocation.
I am a passionate educator and I work very hard to provide a stimulating, creative and fun learning environment to enable the children in my care to grow, thrive and learn in all areas of development.
NNEB - Diploma in Nursery Nursing
I am severe to profoundly deaf, but this does not impact my role as an Early Childhood Educator or the children in my care. I am in the process learning Auslan which I am teaching the Little Possums in my care to be able to communicate their needs and wants, especially if they have very little speech.
We practice sustainability within the daycare environment. We have a worm farm which we feed our food scraps. We recycle cardboard and paper using our recycling bin in the playroom. Water used for the water tray is emptied when finished and the children do this by watering the flowers, grass and fruit trees in the garden.
When the mandarin tree is laden with fruit, the children pick and eat the fruit for morning and afternoon tea. We also have a lemon tree and just started growing a Peach tree. The excess fruit is shared with the families in my care.
Ridgewood, Western Australia, 6030

"At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair should be messy and your eyes sparkling."